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6.01 Constitution of Committees and Task Forces. The Board may from time to time, by majority vote, appoint regular or special committees or task forces, or discontinue any committee or task force. Committees and task forces may exercise such powers as may, from time to time, be granted them by the Board of Directors. The Board shall appoint committee and task force chairs by majority vote. Committee members may be chosen by the committee chairs or appointed by the President and a member may volunteer to serve on any committee of his/her choice. Task force members shall be appointed by the President. The following shall be standing committees of the Coalition:
a. Annual Conference
b. Bylaws
c. Budget/Planning
d. Education
e. Membership
f. Nominations
6.02 Meetings. Meetings of any of the Coalition’s committees and task forces may be conducted by conference telephone call. Notice of a meeting must be given by the committee or task force chair at least 48 hours prior to the date of the meeting A majority of the transaction of any committee or task force shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of committee or task force business at any committee or task force meeting. The committee or task force chair shall preside at all committee and task force meetings. The act of a majority of the members of any committee or task force present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the committee or task force unless the act of a greater number is required by Missouri law, the Articles of Incorporation or these By-Laws. In the event of a tie vote, the presiding officer’s vote shall be counted to break the tie and his/her presence shall be counted toward a quorum.
Any action required to be taken at a committee or task force meeting or any action which may be taken at a committee or task force meeting may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action to be taken, is signed by all of the members of the committee or task force.
6.03 Nominating Committee. The purpose of the Nominating Committee shall be to seek and to evaluate candidates for office and to present them to the Board. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Board at such a time as to allow the Committee to have one month to evaluate candidates for office. The Committee shall be composed of (a) the Past-President who shall act as Chair, and (b) such other members as the President shall appoint. The Nominating Committee shall solicit and accept nominations and declarations of intent to run for office from the Regular Members of the Coalition and from the current Board, contact nominees and declarants, and review the candidates for qualifications, suitability and eligibility. The committee shall submit its slate at the May meeting of the Board or such other date set by the Board, and then to the Regular Members at the Annual Conference or such other date set by the Board.
6.04 Executive Committee. The Board may elect, from its members, an Executive Committee consisting of not less than three members. Such committee shall have the power to fix its quorum at not less than a majority of its members and may exercise all the powers of the Board, subject to any regulations imposed from time to time by the Board.
6.05 Other Committees and Task Forces. The Board may, by resolution, create one or more other committees or task forces and designate from among its members a Board liaison to such a committee or task force.
7.01 Purpose. An advisory board shall be appointed each year by the Board of Directors to assist the Coalition in setting policy, developing educational material, and reviewing current issues in the waste management field.
7.02 Composition. The advisory board shall consist of up to 15 members in good standing of the Coalition. The Board shall use its best efforts to have equal representation from the following categories on the advisory board:
a. business and industry. The category shall include representatives from industry, waste generators, treatment facilities, landfills, transporters and consultants.
b. government. The category shall include representatives from federal, state and local government agencies and/or organizations.
c. citizens, education and nonprofit groups. The category shall include representatives from civic, conservation, health and environmental organizations, as well as educational institutions.